For members, wives, widows, sons and daughters
The Royal Australian Navy Corvette Association NSW was incorporated 24 Feb 1988 and had a membership of 7665 during the years, which sadly decreased to 565 by November 2015 when I had the idea to create this website.
RANCA NSW is the last of all Corvette Associations still active, as other states closed down some time ago. Sadly, time is slowly getting us to the stage when we also have to “sign off” due to getting older, losing our health or simply are not able to continue for various reasons.
I have been associated with the RANCA NSW since 2001 when I married author Frank Bartley Walker. I accepted the position as treasurer in 2007 and later on joined the editors’ team in 2010.
Having worked as Hon. Treasurer in various NFP associations where a set membership fee had to be paid, I could not quite understand how and why the Corvette association could function without membership fees.
In Corvette edition April 1992 I found a possible explanation. It said: Why do we rely on spontaneous donations, instead of striking an annual levy? Because every man who served in a corvette is a shipmate and we don't want to divide them up as "financial" and "un-financial". Even the minority, whom one might think is not "pulling his weight", we believe will sooner or later make full amends. It's happening all the time.
The association was (is) supported by its members purely with donations which kept (keeps) us afloat during all those years. There were large donations, bequests, but also the odd $5 note wrapped in paper showing the devotion and dedication to help producing our Corvette magazine. Donations also came from widows, sons and daughters contributing to this amazingly strong bond.
As far as I am aware, there is no other Navy association which has lasted for such a long time with such a committed membership.
Frank explained that serving on the “little ships”, packed together like sardines in a tin, formed this strong and close bond of the members. The magazine, of which he was the author until his death in 2008, is the glue which still keeps us all together.
It is important to keep the magazine going and we will, until we run out of money. This website is my personal attempt to keep the memories alive once we all crossed the bar. I will use articles from past magazines to let the world know about the “unsung heroes” of the 56 Corvettes and also enclose the history of the memorable, modest Frank B. Walker.
Please note, that the articles have been copied from previous old magazines and they are obviously memories from individuals who submitted them to the editor. I have inserted stories which cover one particular corvette in the appropriate ship's page and others which refer to various ships, appear on the "corvettes & other stories" page. And there are the odd stories you will find under Corvette Magazine.
Maybe this will entice some other “old salts’ to share their stories/experiences with me and I can include them on this website. I acknowledge, that some photos, technical details etc. have been sourced from the internet, AWM and Wikipedia.
Erika Walker
April 2016
In our Corvette issue April 2016, we mentioned this website for the first time. Your response was overwhelming, and your immediate donations have almost covered the cost for another issue. Our membership has now dropped to 544, but there still is the strong bond of members and their families with your committee and editorial team.
May 2016
Thank you all. More incoming donations have now covered the whole cost of another issue of Corvette.
Please accept my thanks for your kind words and encouragement.
My thanks also go to Les ex Warrnambool who donated his collection of Corvette magazines starting 1986. It is amazing to read about the many events which were held in those early years, how many individual ship's associations were formed and how every association tried to contact sailors who served on Corvettes to establish a national data base.
August 2016
As I plod along, I encounter many emotional stories, but there is also a humorous one now and then, where I can't stop giggling all the way through the end of typing it. Have a look at "HMAS GAWLER" July 1990 and try to picture it in your mind.
November 2017
Hard to believe another year has passed and I am still working on the website. It is a huge job, and I just found a little gem in the April 1996 edition:
How do you rate? It has been said that members of an association like ours are made up of bones.
Wishbones who spend all their time wishing someone else do the work
Jawbones who do all the talking but very little else
Knucklebones who knock back everything that anyone else tries to do and finally there are the
Backbones who take the load and do the work.
January 2019
It's hard to believe we are now in 2019 and I had hoped I would be finished by now, but other work got in the way. I added to the website during 2018 and have arrived at Corvette magazine March 1999.
March 2020 (COVID-19 time)
I am still at it, and it seems like a never-ending job. But I WILL finish it eventually. We had some very generous donations from a few members, which enabled us to continue producing our Corvette. Unfortunately, more members have crossed the bar and our membership is down to 341. But as said before, between the president and yours truly we will carry on producing the magazine. Stay safe and keep your social distance.
February 2021
It may not look like it, but I have added some more items during the year. However, I feel the most interesting articles are now on the website and the Sydney State Library is now in possession of all Corvette magazines since 1986 at their Mitchell library collection.
As you all know, I created this website to have lasting memories and records of those terrible war times. I am not a professional website builder, but this site was made with lots of love, and I am thrilled to bits, that the State Library of NSW asked for permission to include this website in their archives and provide public online access. As only a relatively small number of websites are assessed as being significant enough to be included, I am very honoured that we have been chosen.
July 2021
We still have to put up with COVID and there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel.
For over 35 years we have produced our Corvette and felt we had written and reported everything there was to write about the "little ships". It seemed that it was time to wind-up the Association.
Sadly, and with great sorrow, I have to report, that our president Bill crossed the bar 3 July 21, as well as two of our committee members. Bill and committee members will be missed greatly by all of us, and I have managed to produce the final edition of Corvette on my own.
This marks almost the end of my volunteering time with RANCA and I am grateful to have met so many of you. (Some only by mail). Wishing you all the best and stay safe in these challenging times.
PS. A few final words of thanks to all of you who rang, emailed and even sent "thank you" cards after the final issue of Corvette. I am very grateful for your words and thoughts which are very much appreciated.
9 April 2022
Although we have now officially closed, Dave Lardner and Tim Pharo, sons of our members who have crossed the bar, will keep the tradition alive and carry our Banner at the Sydney ANZAC March 2022. Lest we forget.
12 August 2020 - World War II hero Teddy Sheean to posthumously receive Victoria Cross